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Coordinates, contacts and opening hours of the place

10 Rue Montrichard

77250 Moret-sur-Loing

06 21 09 37 50

Every Saturday, Sunday and public holidays from May to early November for canoeing (also on weekdays for groups).

For a day, an afternoon or a 2-hour trip, discover our beautiful region of Grez Loing, Montigny Loing, and Episy Moret sur Loing from a new angle, that of the river.

Whether you are with friends or family, a school, association or business council, APIKOPA offers a warm welcome.

  • Short route 6km : from Episy to Moret sur Loing
    6 km of free descent, 1 spillway
    Duration: Approximately 2 hours
    Meet at Episy next to the lock, a minibus will provide transport for drivers
    between the meeting point (Moret sur Loing) and the launch site (Episy).
    The appointment time is provided upon booking.
  • Medium route 9km: from Grez sur Loing to Episy
    9 km of free descent, 1 spillway
    Duration: From 2.5 to 3 hours Meet at Grez sur Loing next to the camp-site and stadium, a minibus will provide transport for drivers between the meeting point (Episy) and the launch site (Grez sur Loing). The appointment time is provided upon booking.
  • Long route 15km: from Grez sur Loing to Moret sur Loing
    15 km of free descent, 2 spillways
    Duration: between 4 - 5.5 hours
    Go to Grez sur Loing next to the camp-site, facing the stadium: a minibus will provide transportation between the launch site (Grez sur Loing) and the point of arrival (Moret sur Loing).
    The appointment time is provided upon booking.