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Sarazine is a mobile caterer who comes to you or to the place of your event, available from today on in the region of Fontainebleau/Avon.

It can offer solutions for different types of events in the region by adapting its offering to your needs: corporate lunches, festive evenings, ceremonies, birthday snacks, markets, and festivals from 15 to 1,000 people.

Sarazine is prepared to give your guests an exceptional culinary experience, quality products, world-inspired cuisine, and a unique, festive and vintage atmosphere wherever you want it.

Interview de l'éco-acteur

Présentation Camionnette Sarazine
Andrew Hay

I am Andrew Hay, I'm from Australia. With Sarazine, I offer organic pancakes, cookies, and burritos. I have been working in France for three years.

What do you offer your customers ?

My caravan, Sarazine, is a mobile kitchen, so I can go and make food everywhere. I only use organic products and biodegradable packaging. I work at the Fontainebleau market twice a week, sometimes at the Ecotourism Centre of Franchard, and I am available for weddings, birthday parties... practically every kind of event events, every occasion.

How did your journey lead you here ?

I was tired of working for someone else! I previously worked in finance. And it was... contradictory for me, because I'm against that kind of thing. I wanted to leave that behind. Cooking was already my passion. I wanted to do something that wasn't risky, that was related to my passion, that I could enjoy - and that didn't require financing and banks.

How did you join the Biosphere Ecotourism Network ?

My wife works for the National Forestry Office and knew about the Biosphere of
Fontainebleau and Gâtinais. She introduced me, and Jean-Michel [Martin, the director of the Fontainebleau-Gâtinais Biosphere Reserve], thought it would be nice for me to go from now and again [to the Franchard Ecotourism Centre]. It was almost mandatory that I be a member. The fact that I already made organic had sense.

What does it bring to your daily life and work ?

Not much changed for my work. When I signed up, I said I was going to put things in place, but that's just extra. My work already fell within the Biosphere and its objectives. It was an easy transition. For what it brings me personally, I am happy to be part of a network of people who share the same goal, who are interested in the same things, the environment and sustainable development. I'm always taking this kind of chances.