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Coordinates, contacts and opening hours of the place

80 Rue France

77300 Fontainebleau

07 82 94 90 16

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Let's be spoiled by Gâtinerie service! "gâter" also mean spoiled in French

Carefully selected products

La Gâtinerie collaborates with producers within a 20 km radius to prepare fresh and tasty dishes cooked with products from the Gâtinais region!

Various services

La Gâtinerie prepares your meals and organizes your events! To please your guests during a private event (wedding, baptism, birthday, etc.) or a business lunch, call on La Gâtinerie to prepare and deliver your fresh and seasonal dishes.

Try the takeaway service; choose your meal, it will be delivered directly at home, ready to be served!












Finally, enjoy the home catering service. The Chef comes at home and concocts a personalized menu cooked under your eyes; enough to trigger the curiosity and appetite of your guests...