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Coordinates, contacts and opening hours of the place

122 Rue de France

77300 Fontainebleau

01 60 74 90 00

More than a hotel: a bourgeois house

In an exceptional setting, the hotel offers 35 personalised and attentively decorated rooms that subtly combine the charm of the past with the advantages of modern life.

It offers harmonies of colour, discrete and attentive service, a meal tray at any time, free wifi access, and can host guests with limited mobility.
As soon as sunny weather arrives, your breakfast can also be served in the park.

During your stay, the hotel invites you to enjoy the many benefits of Fontainebleau and its region. On the cultural side, one "must» is the majestic castle, and the discovery of the pretty villages around that inspired impressionist painters.

Parcourir la ville à vélo de puis l'hôtel
Explore the city by bike !

In the heart of the forest of Fontainebleau

On the sports-nature side, infinite choice awaits golf, mountain bike, horse riding, canoeing, rock climbing and hiking are offered in the forest of Fontainebleau.

You will also find theatres, cinemas, pubs and cafés, and many quality restaurants in the nearby city centre.