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Coordinates, contacts and opening hours of the place

41 rue Royale

77300 Fontainebleau

01 85 48 06 95

A perfect location in the heart of Fontainebleau

Drop off your luggage at this perfectly located hotel - in the heart of the Fontainebleau city center, next to the castle and all accommodations - an easy access to the activities of the surrounding area! The nearby Fontainebleau forest enables you to indulge in all kinds of activities in nature immersion such as climbing or hiking or horseback riding.


A place full of surprises

Let yourself be tempted by the warm atmosphere of this hotel, comfortable and spacious rooms with direct view on the garden and nature… You can also enjoy the local and seasonal cuisine concocted by the Chef of the house! You can also enjoy a wide range of activities offfered by the hotel, indoors or outdoors: swimming pool, tennis court, vegetable garden, cooking classes, cocktail initiation, etc. There are many more surprises ahead of you!